Several operations by NATO would follow with the Bosnia War persisting. In 1993 NATO enforced the operation to deny flight from June 1993 to 1996. UNSC passed a resolution in October 1992 where operation No Fly was established. The situation was worsening drawing the attention of the UN Security Council. Operation Joint Guard, Bosnia, and Herzegovinaīosnia war broke out in 1992 due to the breakup of Yugoslavia.

The intervention was highly successful and on March 9, 1991, Kuwait’s sovereignty was restored. Ace Mobile Force together with air defense packages was deployed to Turkey. This strategy was as a result of Turkey’s request since Iraq was overwhelming them. The Ace Guard was initiated in 1991 by NATO as a part of a military strategy to drive Iraq out of Kuwait. The ace guard was part of the Gulf war that aimed at liberating Kuwait from Iraq’s invasion. During this period, operation Anchor Guard was established with airborne crafts operating from Turkey.This process yielded immediate results that saw the liberation of Kuwait on February 25, 1991. Iraq was then given an ultimatum to pull out by January 15, 1991, or face military action. UN Security Council demanded that Iraq withdraws from Kuwait unconditionally, but Iraq was not willing. Iraq received condemnation from most countries including Arab League. Within two days of Iraq’s attack on Kuwait, Saddam announced Kuwait as Iraq’s 19th province. Western countries believed that Iraq was after Kuwait’s petroleum. Other sources had indicated that Iraq had planned the attack months before the invasion because Iraq could not pay the money it borrowed to finance its fight with Iran. Iraq invaded Kuwait on August 2nd, 1990 after it accused her of stealing petroleum. Some of the major NATO military interventions include Anchor Guard, Kuwait-Iraq NATO has previously been involved in some of the missions that have shaped the history of nations and regions. Currently, NATO has about 18,000 soldiers who are engaged in its missions around the world. In NATO operations diplomacy is given top priority, but if it fails, then the military action is employed. The primary aim of NATO is to resolve peacefully conflicts or disputes that threaten the stability of a nation or region. NATO’s chief responsibility is to maintain peace and security on the international stage.

NATO has a membership of 28 states with additional 22 countries participating in peace partnership. Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization commonly referred to as NATO is an intergovernmental alliance bringing together military forces from different member states.