§2g Only English and German in the text chat A user is allowed to play music through the microphone only if the admin(s) currently online give(s) clearance to do so §2f Do not spam the microphone (this includes music and sounds). §2e Do not spam the chat and radio commands §2d Swearing is allowed but please keep it to a minimum §2c Linking to sites in chat / voice for the purpose of advertising is not tolerated. §2a No racism or discrimination of any kind. §1g The use of gameplay-altering macros, such as auto-fire, bunny hop (or others that give an unfair advantage), is prohibited Changing it more often than that will result in a automatic permanent ban

§1f You may only change your name 8 times per each 5 minute period. §1e Do not abuse the !report / !calladmin system for "joking" purposes §1d Our admins are perfectly capable of detecting people breaking rules themselves, please keep the backseat moderating to a minimum §1c Do not use third party programs to crash and/or lag the server §1b Do not use glitches/bugs/etc of any kind (e.g.